Maths How To with Anita


sine 30 degrees

Sine 30 degrees (exact value, proof and example problems)

Sine 30 degrees is one of the most important trigonometric values. It has many applications in mathematics and physics. This article will discuss what sine 30 degrees is, a geometrical proof of it’s value and how to find equivalent trig values. We will also show a video demonstration of some example problems with solutions. What […]

Sine 30 degrees (exact value, proof and example problems) Read More »

Why is trigonometry hard

Why is Trigonometry hard? (7 reasons with solutions to master this subject)

Trigonometry is one of the most challenging subjects for students to learn. Many students find themselves struggling with the concepts and principles involved in trigonometry. This can often lead to frustration and a feeling of being overwhelmed. In order to help students overcome these challenges, it is important to understand why trigonometry is hard for

Why is Trigonometry hard? (7 reasons with solutions to master this subject) Read More »